Azolla Caroliniana as Food

The Azolla Cooking and Cultivation Project (2012) is referenced in the paper “Nutritional properties of raw and cooked Azolla caroliniana Willd., an aquatic wild edible plant” published in Food Science & Nutrition, December 2023.

The authors conclude that “Azolla’s moderate protein and high mineral yields make this species desirable for cultivation. The easy, fastgrowing nature of Azolla cultivation makes it an ideal resource during disasters, catastrophes, as well as regular use by smallholder farms and low-income areas. Our study corroborates with others showing that members of the Azolla genus have high potential for economic, agricultural, nutritional, and resiliency benefits. Azolla caroliniana is a multipurpose valuable wild edible plant that shows great potential and needs further development.”

Here is an article about the paper: Common plant could help reduce food insecurity, researchers find